Indian religious films, I've been told, are always crazy, and this one was no exception. Luckily, I like crazy, so that suited me just fine. I really liked Srikanth and Vena when they were playing the parts of the gods Yama Jr. and Chitragupta Jr. (Yama is the god of hell and Chitragupta is his assistant.)

They were so wonderfully hammy. All the posturing and the crazy get-up suited them perfectly. I especially loved Srikanth's propensity to pull out the mustache twirling at every opportunity.

They come to earth to bring a soul into the next world and of course get caught up in all sorts of drama. One of my favorite episodes is when they go to a nightclub,

and decide to join in 70s style.

Which, in my opinion, was an excellent idea.

My other favorite episode happens when the heroine's aunt and uncle are out for a drive at night and a rascal tries to take off her aunt's sari. Yama Jr. decides to pull a Krishna, and the aunt is extremely pleased with the bundle of saris she gets out of it.

All of this happens in the first hour of the film. The next two hours of the film are much less entertaining, as there is a great dearth of Srikanth and Venu dressed up in god clothes posing. Srikanth occasionally still strokes his mustache, and they still ham it up a little, but it's just not the same. And the little romances do not make up for it.

The best part of the second half, sadly enough, is part of the comic subplot. This one is actually quite funny, though. The police had seen the last bit of the sari episode, decide that this rascal is a golden goose, and bring him to the inspector's house to pull the sari of the inspector's wife. Not such a bright idea.

It may have its faults, but I was entertained and found the ending reasonably emotionally satisfying. And that's all I ask for.
I'm glad you enjoyed it, at least for the most part. I agree that the first part was the best, especially all the moustache-twirling and associated fun. I should give you Yamadonga to watch all the way through some time, although you have already watched most of the best parts.